oopsies no post for a while. actually not oopsies it doesn’t really matter. i have been in Wisconsin visiting my grandma and learning to read tarot cards. i have been really sustaining off of lattes and as many oranges as humanly possible to eat per day.
having this blog is really weird because i want to be truthful and write about my innermost feelings and beliefs and thoughts but i simultaneously really do not want to do that. i love having internal conflicts!
here is a list of things on my mind
- getting a tattoo–for real this time
- the quote by Victor Frankl, an author and Holocaust survivor “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
- My Favourite Book by Stars
- i love how the British use the u in in words like harbour, colour…. why did Americans take that away???????????
- Storm by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- it is 22 min and it is worth it
- this newspaper excerpt
- Festivus!
happy holidays